Session 7 discusses using problem-solving when a stressor is something that you can influence, and using acceptance when a stressor is something that you cannot influence.
1. Identify a stressor related to your NF journey.
2. How would you decide whether this stressor warrants using problem-solving or acceptance?
I have to go to my general practician this afternoon.
- He has no idea of my disease. He can say to me: "I don't know", what is also difficult for him
- My pain is getting worse.
- what I try to feel better could be false.
- I have to wait till September to see a specialist at a reference center in Paris, then I didn't find anybody who wants to care of me in my region.
Problem -solving:
- My G practician is open and wants to help me
- I have to explain him which ways are possible: surgery, or drugs
- I want to discuss with him how much drugs I can take, to make sure that my lever accepts theses doses.
It is so frustrating when a doctor doesn't know. I get it, there are SO many unknown/rare diseases, conditions, etc, it is hard for them too. I am glad your doctor wants to help!